All in One Redirect After Login Register is a lightweight and secure plugin specially developed for WooCommerce.
- It enables setting into the admin site.
- It lists all the user roles that are present in your WordPress.
- Next to the user role, you will get three fields for login, register, logout. As per your requirements, you can set up different pages for each user role.
- If you keep the field blank, then woocommerce will handle the auto redirect.
=== All In One Redirect After Login Register ===
Contributors: WorldWin Coder Pvt. Ltd.
Tags: Free Plugin, Redirect After Registration, Woocommerce Redirect After Registration, Login, Logout, Redirect Users after Successful Login in WordPress, Redirect after login registration & logout plugin, Redirect after login registration and logout free download, Redirect after login registration and logout woocommerce, Redirect After Registration, Redirect page after login woocommerce, Woocommerce Redirect After Login, Woocommerce Redirect After Logout, Woocommerce Redirect After Registration
Requires at least: 4.8
Tested up to: 6.3
Stable tag: 1.0.1
Requires PHP: 7.2
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
The “All in One Redirect After Login Register” plugin is valuable add-on for WooCommerce that enhances the user experience on your website. With this plugin, you can easily configure automatic redirects for users after they register, login, or logout, directing them to specific pages of your choice.
== Description ==
The “All in One Redirect After Login Register” plugin is designed to streamline the user experience on your WooCommerce website. With this plugin, you can effortlessly set up automatic redirects for users after they register, login, or logout, directing them to specific pages based on their user role. And the best part?
== Features ==
– Easily configure settings from the WordPress admin site.
– List all the user roles present in your WordPress installation.
– Set up different pages for each user role for login, register, and logout redirects.
– If fields are left blank, WooCommerce will handle the auto redirect process.
Get started for free now!
[Official website](
Support: [](
== Installation ==
1. Download and extract the plugin files to the wp-content/plugins directory.
2. Activate the plugin through the WordPress admin interface.
3. You’re done!
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= Will it work with or without the WooCommerce plugin?
Yes, it will.
= Will it work with the LearnDash plugin?
Yes, it will.
= Can I set redirects for each WordPress user role?
Absolutely! The plugin allows you to set up different redirects for each user role.
== Change log ==
= 1.0.1 =
* Updated hooks and improvement
= 1.0.0 =
* First Release